Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Ready For Summer

Hey everyone! Sorry I've been SO inactive. I have another account that I forgot the password to and I thought this blog was on that account. I was wrong! So I'm back and with a hot new look for summer. Also I've been gone for so long I forgot the layout so it'll be different from now on. I'm also changing something really important. I'm not adding anything other than clothes and hair. I feel like the other stuff isn't really a part of the look. Anyways here's the look. Finally.

Hair: Braided
Hat: None
Glasses: Tinted Aviators

Shirt: Striped Cardigan
Pants: Easy Breezy

Left Arm: Black Fabric Bracelet
Right Arm: Double Gold Bangles
Extra: None

And here are pictures! 
Fun story. These posts actually take quite a long time because I'm usually playing with someone and I have to sneak off and take pictures and type. While I was taking pictures I had a cop come to my door and check inside my house for a loose killer. Don't worry though, she had a warrant. But right before she came to my house the killer came to my house and I let her in. The killer left without me knowing and I only knew because the cop was chasing and shooting her. All while this was happening someone else came to my house and became my sister. One I finally got around to taking pictures my sister had to tell me she was leaving the game.  I made this small because I don't want you to think you HAVE to read this. It;s just a fun little story.

I honestly really like this look! I have 2 more looks I'll be working on do stay tuned for them. I'll be making a look with the 'Blue & Grey Jacket' and a look including all items that are in store! Well bye for now! <3  lov. <3

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